Anisa's Story

"Relationships Evolved helped me and my partner identify patterns in our relationship that were creating misunderstandings and negative feelings, and that's given us more understanding of ourselves and patience for one another as we work on our relationship together."
Thanks for agreeing to share your story Anisa! Can you give our readers a bit of background about you and how you came to take Relationships Evolved: Forging Bonds That Last?
I took this course together with my partner Matt. Matt and I are generally happy and we have been in a relationship for awhile. Like any normal couple we have had arguments and misunderstandings. There were times where those disagreements made me really question our future, and I didn’t want to let those misunderstandings become something that drove us apart. I decided to take this course from Monica because I believed she would be able to help us. I had met her originally through a project we did together. She was always upbeat and full of positive energy and as I got to know her better I learned she was also an accomplished relationship coach, mindfulness teacher, and self-education pioneer, so it was an easy decision to enroll in Relationships Evolved.
What were some of the highlights of taking the course Relationships Evolved: Forging Bonds That Last?
Taking it together as a couple was really great for us.
I know that this isn’t always going to be possible, and there are some things you may want to work on on your own or that are better to work through on your own. For us though, taking it together really helped. There was a lot we unearthed as we worked through the questions. How I approach something vs how he approaches the same thing, etc. and that explained our dynamic. You know, in relationships you want to be heard, and we hadn’t figured out how to do that or didn’t feel like it was happening. By taking it together you know you’re being heard by your partner.
What was the most helpful thing about Relationships Evolved: Forging Bonds That Last?
Relationships Evolved helped me and my partner identify patterns in our relationship that were creating misunderstandings and negative feelings, and that’s given us more understanding of ourselves and patience for one another as we work on our relationship together.
Before, we had these emotions and patterns but we didn’t have the words for it. Now we understand it better. We may still fall into a cycle but now we can identify and understand what’s going on, where I’m coming from, where he’s coming from.
Now if we have a problem, we can say to each other “This is what Monica talked about in the course” and that’s really helpful. I can see if I’m going into an emotionally high high, or into a low low. And now I get that Matt might not understand me when I’m in that place because it’s not how he responds to situations, but I know he still cares. Before the course, I thought he just didn’t care. Now I realize he does. He cares a lot and that makes me happy. We just have different ways of showing it. To me, grand emotional gestures are really important and I’ve come to understand that’s not part of his love vocabulary. And for him, he used to be so confused because he’d see me happy and think “She’s feeling good, things are good” one day, and then the next day he might see me in an emotionally low place and not understand why or what happened.
What is next for you guys as far as relationships go?
We’ve learned how to identify the issue and see when it’s happening. For us now, it’s about ‘how do we fix it’ going forward? We’ve discussed ways we can work on it together and how to find common ground which is what Monica had suggested. They haven’t all happened or been put into place yet, and in taking self-responsibility, I think we both need to come back to it. It’s something we both want to work on.
What are some suggestions you have for people considering taking the course?
Go for it. You will learn so much about yourself and your relationship.
I would also encourage you to take your time and really work through the chapters. There’s a lot to uncover and unearth in you and your relationship. Some of it can leave you feeling emotionally raw, and that is part of the healing process. I also encourage you to take it together with your partner if possible, but at the same time don’t let that stop you from taking the course on your own if that’s not possible. What you learn in the course about how to build healthier foundations will benefit you no matter what.
Sam's Story

"A lot of self-help books are filled with repetitive, fluffy content where 100 pages could have been distilled in a 2-page brochure. What I really enjoyed about the Relationships Evolved course is that there’s truly valuable content here, it makes sense, and it fulfills its promise."
Thanks for being here today Sam. Can you share a little more about what made you decide to enroll in the course?
A friend of mine recommended Relationships Evolved: Forging Bonds That Last about a month after I had gone through a tough breakup. I was in an unhappy place and I was taking it pretty hard. I had a lot of questions about why the relationship had gone the way it had and wanted to find some answers about myself… about the relationship… about whether things could have gone a different way even.
What I ended up getting from the course was more than I’d bargained for. I got the answers I was looking for and realized that I was not a great communicator and this led to a lot of the problems in our relationships just building up and building up with negativity until they reached a breaking point. I discovered that my ‘conflict avoidance’ and ‘wanting to appease others’ also became ‘passive aggressiveness’… and the biggest realization for me was seeing how this isn’t just limited to my relationship with my ex; these issues actually affected how I communicated with all of my friends, family, coworkers, and myself.
It was a lot to take in and learn, but I appreciated how there were always tools offered to move forward from this realization. I finished the course and felt like I knew what I could now do next to grow as a person and how this was going to benefit all of my relationships.
What were some of the highlights of taking the course Relationships Evolved: Forging Bonds That Last?
The ability to talk with the instructor and ask questions was a great benefit. I think the live office hours component of this course is the biggest reason to enroll in this course. Being able to ask questions, share what was going through my head, and get a response was helpful for me. I also learned a lot from the other students in the course – what they shared, what they asked, etc. I didn’t expect it going into the course, but a lot of their questions and situations were applicable to my life too and having them ask questions I didn’t think to ask helped me get even more value from this course.
What was the most helpful thing about Relationships Evolved: Forging Bonds That Last?
A lot of self-help books are filled with repetitive, fluffy content where 100 pages could have been distilled in a 2-page brochure. What I really enjoyed about the Relationships Evolved course is that there’s truly valuable content here, it makes sense, and it fulfills its promise. If you put these tools to use, they’ll help you evolve your friendships, work relationships, and family relationships.
The course is built as a complete package. What I learned in Chapter 1 was the foundation that I took into Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and so on. I felt like it was built in a way where I just dug into deeper and deeper layers of myself and my relationships. I had new realizations about my relationship with my parents and my friends that I hadn’t even anticipated. And by the end, I felt very motivated to improve the relationship I have with myself because that’s where everything starts from. Having that really hit home for me was big and it kickstarted this journey into self-growth that has been really good for me.
That’s wonderful to hear! So what is next for you?
I’ve been happy with the results of the course. I still turn back to the material and what I learned. Right now, I’m not in a rush to start any new romantic relationship. My focus is on the inner stuff, on continuing to build that self-acceptance within me. I’m not closed off to starting something; I feel happier with where I am now and that’s been very nice.
What are some suggestions you have for people considering taking the course?
If you want the real self-help, I recommend what Monica Ortiz and The Exceptional Life Institute are doing with their “self-education” approach.
I remember when I first came across self-help, I was so excited. I went from one end of the spectrum to the other and was 100% invested, reading all these different authors and ideas and approaches.
What I quickly learned was that a lot of self-help books are overhyped and overpromise. Going through this course was a completely different experience from that. There are lots of examples, and it’s paired with a framework and an approach. As someone logical who needs to understand how I am supposed to do something, this worked really well for me. It’s the first time in a while that I have come across a book or course that deserves the page count it is at because the content isn’t fluff or repetition.
My biggest advice is to stay open and honest so you get what you need from this course.